
My love for art ♥

1:11 pm

Hello lovelies!

This post is dedicated to all the artists out there, anyone who appreciates art, and anyone who is artistic regardless of how good they think they are. 

I've always been a very creative person since I was a child. Even when watching Tweenies my favourite part of their 'Tweenie Clock' was messy time! Hehe. Art was always my favourite subject in school too. Whether it's actually making things or just doing something creative on a piece of paper, I would love it more than anything else.

Since I finished  school, I've hardly had any time or motivation to do something creative. I definitely miss it. I came across some of my old artwork the other day and it made me feel happy looking back at the memories. I will share some pieces with you!

I'm in no way an outstanding artist.. no.. I do artwork for my own pleasure and enjoyment. Besides, I think there is always an element of art in everything!

Blue Pansy: made using oil pastels
Pink Lily: clearly I haven't finished this! I don't know when I will, as I don't want to rush it.. made using water colour pencils (as they have a much softer led which is easier to blend)
Red lilies: I made this as part of my GCSE coursework (so it's the oldest piece featured here!) This is made on A1 paper, so not all of it is photographed. Made using a selection of paint, oil pastels and chalk

Are any of you artistic?

Lots of love,
Ayesha xxx

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  1. Beautiful work!!! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

  2. Oooh, the last one is my fave - beautiful! :) I wish I were more arty.

    Tara x

  3. You're really talented and these ones are so good. You should stick to it.


  4. Oh wow! You definitely have such an amazing talent here! It's lovely you are so modest but I would say you are an outstanding artist, the gorgeous pink lily water colour is stunning xo

    Sophie | soinspo <3

  5. Wow these are beautiful! You're so talented!

    The Belle Narrative


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