
Online mental health support

8:21 pm


I just wanted to share this with you guys:
If any of you (only under 18 for the time being) are experiencing emotional and mental distress, or just going through a hard time, you can speak to someone. You can talk about your issues and anything that is bothering you, whether it's your friends/family/school or anything else, to a trained mentor/counsellor/mental health professional. Everything you disclose is confidential, with the exception if someone is at harm (of course). Mindfull UK offer emotional and mental wellbeing support for 11-17 year olds, but are expanding to age 25 very soon. Here is the link:

Remember, no one should have to go through a hard time alone. There is always help out there. This is a free service of course, don't forget!

And if you want to get involved and want to volunteer for them - you can apply for that too! Apply to be a mentor is you are under 18, or a life mentor if you are over 18. All training is provided! Let's spread awareness for this wonderful web support :)

Stay happy and blessed,
Ayesha xxx

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  1. You share some really wonderful thinks, Ayesha.. I sincerely hope that this post helps at least one young person within the age range this organisation deals with! :)

    - I follow back on Bloglovin' -


  2. Amazing post! :)

  3. Such a great idea and extremely important. I hope they open it up to a wider age range soon!

    Tara x


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